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Cardiac Nurse Courses

Cardiac Nurses are qualified RNs who provide nursing support and treatment to people with heart conditions. They may provide direct care to patients in the cardiac wing, carry out diagnostic testing, or work closely with cardiologists and heart surgeons.

As a Cardiac Nurse you could be checking a patient’s vital signs and daily stats, giving a patient an update on their date for heart surgery, administering prescribed medication to a patient, conducting a stress test, adding the results of diagnostic testing to patient records, reassuring the parents of a young heart patient who is in surgery, explaining how to take daily heart medications at home, or helping a patient prepare for heart surgery.

To succeed in this occupation you must be committed to academic and technical excellence in nursing and have outstanding interpersonal and communication skills.

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Popular Cardiac Nurse Courses

There is one course available for people who want to become a Cardiac Nurse.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Cardiac Nurses earn?

The average salary for registered nurses in Australia, (including Cardiac Nurses) is $1,937 per week ($100,724 per annum). Increase your earning capacity by undertaking post-graduate qualifications in clinical nursing, leadership, emergency and critical care nursing.

What are the job opportunities for Cardiac Nurses?

There are 325,500 Registered Nurses (RNs) currently employed in Australia, some of these are Cardiac Nurses. They are employed by hospitals in the cardiology unit as well as specialist heart centres that provide diagnostic, rehabilitation, and long-term care services.

How do I become a Cardiac Nurse?

To become a Cardiac Nurse you must complete a Bachelor of Nursing, then apply for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Once you are a qualified Registered Nurse (RN) you will need a post-graduate qualification in cardiac care such as a Graduate Diploma of Cardiac Nursing or a Master of Advanced Clinical Nursing.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within nursing. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.

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