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Interior Design Consultant Courses

Interior Design Consultants are self-employed professionals who design and decorate indoor spaces for clients. They design for both residential and commercial interiors, using industry-standard technologies (e.g. AutoCAD) to present their design ideas and working closely with construction teams and tradespeople.

As an Interior Design Consultant you could be getting to know a new client and learning about their vision and design preferences, preparing a set of colour swatches that includes paints and fabrics, sketching an initial design concept for skylights over a living room, negotiating prices with a furniture store, supervising the construction of walk-in robes, arranging furniture and wall frames, or walking through a completed remodelling project with a client and sharing their surprise and delight.

To be successful in this role you will need a clear design aesthetic, be highly organised, and have great communication skills. You’ll also need an up-to-date knowledge of the latest interior design trends and technologies.

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Popular Interior Design Consultant Courses

There are 6 courses available for people who want to become an Interior Design Consultant. These are the top 5 most popular courses.

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Online, On Campus, Workplace
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become an Interior Design Consultant?

You can become an Interior Design Consultant in Australia with a VET qualification such as the Certificate IV in Interior Decoration, Diploma of Interior Design, or Advanced Diploma of Interior Design. However, you will increase your earning potential and employment prospects, with a degree.

Higher education choices include: Associate Degree in Interior Decoration and Design, Bachelor of Interior Design, or Master of Design. Some design firms and education providers offer paid internships for emerging interior designers.

As your career progresses, consider supporting qualifications to widen your skillset: Graduate Diploma in Design (Sustainable Design), Master of Interior Architecture, Master of Business Administration (MBA).

How much does an Interior Design Consultant earn?

The average weekly earnings for Interior Designers in Australia is currently $1,586 per week ($82,472 annually). These are median figures for full-time employees and should be considered a guide only. Self-employed Interior Design Consultants usually earn much higher salaries.

What are the job opportunities for an Interior Design Consultant?

There are approximately 17,300 Interior Designers working in Australia right now. This occupation has excellent employment prospects with 19.1% growth expected in the next 3-5 years.

Interior Design Consultants are usually self-employed but there are also direct employment opportunities with design houses, furniture stores, and architectural firms.

Source: Labour Market Insights, Jobs and Skills Australia 2024.

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within interior design. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.