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International Trade Specialist Courses

International Trade Specialists identify overseas business opportunities and provide advisory services to wholesalers, retail companies, manufacturers, industrial organisations, non-profits, and government agencies who want to do business overseas. They research and monitor the global economy and have a well-developed knowledge of international trade and business laws.

As an International Trade Specialist you could be monitoring current exchange rates and global market fluctuations, writing a proposal for a client to expand their operations into a new country, using your network of international contacts to facilitate a strategic alliance for a client, or developing a pricing strategy that maximises profits on international transactions.

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Popular International Trade Specialist Courses

There are 7 courses available for people who want to become an International Trade Specialist. These are the top 5 most popular courses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do International Trade Specialists earn?

Salaries for International Trade Specialists start at $110,000 per annum with opportunities for performance bonuses and incentives. Increase your earning capacity by specialising in a specific area (eg, logistics and supply chain, exporting, foreign investments) and developing an international network of trade contacts.

What are the job opportunities for International Trade Specialists?

There are no clear employment figures for International Trade Specialists in Australia right now. They are primarily employed by consulting companies but there are also opportunities to work for non-profits and government agencies.

How do I become an International Trade Specialist?

To become an International Trade Specialist you will need a business degree majoring in international trade. Recommended qualifications include: Bachelor of Business (International Trade), Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration (International).

Another pathway into this career is with a Bachelor of Laws then pursuing post-graduate certifications in international trade and business law.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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