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Mental Health Clinician Courses

Mental Health Clinicians are public health professionals who facilitate interventions and create individual care plans for mental health patients. They carry out mental state assessments and examinations, then support patients through treatment and recovery.

As a Mental Health Clinician you could be conducting a mental state examination , organising a group therapy session for patients with addiction issues, teaching a patient how to deal with daily stresses and emotional challenges, helping parents understand the treatment plan of a teenager who is bulimic, managing a crisis intervention after an attempted suicide, collaborating with a case manager, or just taking a self-care day to ensure your own health and wellbeing.

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Popular Mental Health Clinician Courses

There are 7 courses available for people who want to become a Mental Health Clinician. These are the top 5 most popular courses.

Online, On Campus, Distance, Workplace
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Online, On Campus, Distance, Workplace
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Online, On Campus
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Online, On Campus
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Mental Health Clinicians earn?

There are no current salary figures for Australian Mental Health Clinicians. Increase your earning capacity by obtaining post-graduate qualifications in mental health and joining a professional association.

What are the job opportunities for Mental Health Clinicians?

There are no clear employment figures for Mental Health Clinicians working in Australia at this time. They are employed by large hospitals and community health organisations, not-for-profits, mental health treatment facilities, and government agencies.

How do I become a Mental Health Clinician?

Authorised Mental Health Clinicians in Australia are sometimes known as Mental Health Practitioners. To be appointed to this role, you must have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing, psychology, occupational therapy, or social work, and in some regions, you must also have professional accreditation with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

If you are already a qualified health professional, you can increase your employability by obtaining a specialist qualification in mental health. Examples include: Diploma of Mental Health, Graduate Certificate in Applied Mental Health, Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Practice, or Master of Mental Health.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within counselling and mental health. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.

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