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Orthodontist Courses

Orthodontists are qualified dentists who focus on straightening teeth, fixing jaw alignment problems, and helping their clients achieve a beautiful smile. They perform dental surgery as well as configure and fit metal braces, clear aligners, expansion plates, bite-correcting springs, and other dental appliances.

As an Orthodontist you could be conducting an oral exam on a new patient, examining dental x-rays, fitting a set of clear-aligners for a patient, fixing an uncomfortable wire on metal braces, discussing a change to the treatment plan of a long-term client, having a team meeting with all staff at the dental practice, updating patient records, or just having a quick coffee in between appointments.

To succeed in this occupation you must be committed to academic and technical excellence in dentistry and have outstanding interpersonal and communication skills.

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Popular Orthodontist Courses

There are 3 courses available for people who want to become an Orthodontist.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Orthodontists earn?

There are no clear salary figures for registered Orthodontists working in Australia right now. Increase your earning capacity by undertaking post-graduate qualifications in specialist areas like public health or business administration.

What are the job opportunities for Orthodontists?

There are 1,400 Dental Specialists currently employed across Australia, this includes qualified Orthodontists. They mainly work in private practice but some are employed by government health providers.

How do I become an Orthodontist?

Becoming a fully qualified Orthodontist in Australia is a long-term commitment to your education and professional development. The steps are as follows:

  1. Complete a degree that covers human anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology such as the Bachelor of Biomedicine or Bachelor of Health Science.
  2. Pass the Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT).
  3. Complete a Doctor of Dental Surgery.
  4. Undertake at least 2 x years of clinical experience as a dentist.
  5. Complete a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics) — or similar orthodontic course that is recognised by the Australian Dental Council.
  6. Register as a Specialist in Orthodontics with AHPRA.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2024

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within dentistry. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.

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