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Registered Psychologist Courses

Registered Psychologists are qualified professionals who provide treatment, psychotherapy, and counselling to their clients. They are registered with the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) and may specialise in clinical, community, counselling, educational and developmental, forensic, health, organisational, sport and exercise, or neuropsychology.

As a Registered Psychologist you could be conducting an initial assessment of a new client, teaching a client who is experiencing anxiety how to navigate issues at work, listening to a client describe how they are feeling about the death of their partner, using cognitive behavioural therapy to support a client with anger issues, attending a conference for psychologists, referring a client to a psychiatrist for specialist treatment, or just scheduling some self-care into your busy calendar.

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Popular Registered Psychologist Courses

There are 6 courses available for people who want to become a Registered Psychologist. These are the top 5 most popular courses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Registered Psychologists earn?

The average salary for Registered Psychologists in Australia is $107,432 per annum. These are median figures for full-time employees and should be considered a guide only.

What are the job opportunities for Registered Psychologists?

There are more than 44,000 psychologists registered in Australia right now. They are employed by schools, hospitals, community health organisations, NGOs, and government organisations. Many Registered Psychologists work independently through their own private practice.

How do I become a Registered Psychologist?

To become a Registered Psychologist in Australia you must complete a Bachelor’s degree in psychology approved by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). Examples include: Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Psychological Science, and Bachelor of Science (Psychology).

The next step involves completing a master’s degree that aligns with your area of practice, undertaking a one-year internship, and then passing the National Psychology Exam.

Depending on your area of professional interest, you could enrol in the Master of Clinical Psychology, Master of Psychology (Sport and Exercise), Master of Psychology (Health), or Master of Psychology (Counselling).

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within psychology. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.

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