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Research Nurse Courses

Research Nurses are qualified Registered Nurses (RNs) who are at the forefront of medical innovations and improvements to nursing and treatment practices. They hold post-graduate research qualifications and may work in a clinical setting supporting research teams or in academia pursuing independent research.

As a Research Nurse you could be interviewing patients before a new procedure and recording their perceptions, monitoring the progress of a patient who has received experimental treatment, recording patient vitals during a drug trial, updating a medical database, evaluating the data from a clinical trial, or writing the outline for proposed research paper.

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Popular Research Nurse Courses

There are 6 courses available for people who want to become a Research Nurse. These are the top 5 most popular courses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Research Nurses earn?

There are no clear salary figures for Australian Research Nurses. Increase your earning capacity by undertaking post-graduate qualifications, especially a Master’s or PhD in nursing education and research.

What are the job opportunities for Research Nurses?

There are no clear employment figures for Research Nurses currently working in Australia. They are employed by universities and academic institutions as well as hospitals, medical research clinics, non-profits, and government agencies.

How do I become a Research Nurse?

To become a Research Nurse you must complete a Bachelor of Nursing and then apply for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Once you are a qualified Registered Nurse (RN) you should complete a post-graduate qualification in nursing education. Excellent choices include the Graduate Diploma of Advanced Nursing (Research), Master of Nursing Science, and Master of Nursing (Research). Many Research Nurses have also obtained their PhD in Nursing.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within nursing. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.

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