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Social Media Analyst Courses

Social Media Analysts are marketing professionals with specialist skills in performance assessment, data analysis, and report writing. They analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of an organisation’s social media channels and develop actionable reports and recommendations for decision-makers.

As a Social Media Analyst you could be designing a questionnaire for Facebook users, evaluating the engagement and Return On Investment (ROI) of last month’s Instagram advertising, entering raw customer data into the CRM, presenting an infographic with recommendations to the marketing department, or meeting with the CEO and marketing manager to discuss next year’s advertising strategies.

To be successful in this career you’ll need outstanding attention to detail and critical thinking as well as the ability to identify causal relationships and emerging trends.

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Popular Social Media Analyst Courses

There are 3 courses available for people who want to become a Social Media Analyst.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Social Media Analysts earn?

There are no clear salary figures for Social Media Analysts working in Australia at this time. Increase your earning capacity by undertaking additional studies in business analytics and programming.

What are the job opportunities for Social Media Analysts?

There are no clear employment figures for Social Media Analysts working in Australia right now. They are employed by advertising and marketing firms as well as the marketing departments of SMEs, corporate organisations, NGOs, and government agencies. Some Social Media Analysts have their own consultancies and work freelance.

How do I become a Social Media Analyst?

Social Media Analysts need a thorough knowledge of marketing principles and the psychology behind consumer behaviour. You’ll also need skills in applied data analytics. Suitable qualifications include the Bachelor of Business (Marketing Analytics), Bachelor of Digital Marketing, or Bachelor of Communications (Marketing).

If you already hold a degree, consider the Master of Digital Marketing, Master of Business Administration (Marketing), or Master of Analytics (Marketing).

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within marketing and social media marketing. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.

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