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MCI Institute

FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping

Kickstart your career in accounting, formalise your current skill set or start on a path towards university, by learning the principles of accounting and the practical skills to apply them to daily work, with MCI Institute's FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping.

This qualification offers you a career entry point into the financial services sector. Whether you want to work in accounts, payroll or bookkeeping, this online accounting course will provide you with the qualification, knowledge and skills you need to launch your career.

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Delivery mode:

Average duration:
12 months

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This course can help you get a job as:

Job Title
Average Salary
$960 weekly pay
$1,150 weekly pay
$1,250 weekly pay
$1,400 weekly pay
$1,250 weekly pay
$1,250 weekly pay

This course can help you progress to:

Job Title
Average Salary
$1,600 weekly pay
$1,550 weekly pay
$1,440 weekly pay
$1,820 weekly pay

Please note that weekly pay figures are estimates only of what you could possibly earn.

Nationally Recognised Training

This is a nationally recognised course delivered by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). RTOs are strictly regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). This guarantees you will be studying a quality-assured and nationally recognised qualification.

Recognition of Prior Learning

RTOs are also able to offer Recognition of Prior Learning for work experience or formal qualifications you may have undertaken to shorten the time you have to study. Ask a course provider for more details during the enrolment process.

Payment Options

For more information about this course and payment options please enquire now.

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About this provider

MCI is an award-winning, education provider, proudly taking home 35 awards in the last 20 years, including placing on the 2020 AFR Most Innovative Companies List. They make education within your reach through supported online delivery so you can study anywhere, anytime, to achieve your career goals.

Operating since: 2003
Legal name: Management Consultancy International Pty Ltd
RTO code: 91088

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Speak to a course advisor about the FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping.

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