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Engineering Institute of Technology

On-Campus - Bachelor of Science (Civil and Structural Engineering)

Civil and structural engineering is one of the oldest forms of engineering which involves the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Engineers in this field are responsible for ensuring that the infrastructure around us gets developed, is safe, meets our needs, and improves our quality of life. This includes buildings, bridges, railways, tunnels, water distribution, and waste management networks. As a civil engineer, you could be involved in sustainable urban development, environmental protection, conservation of energy and water resources, or even geotechnical, hydraulic, or transport engineering. You could even specialize in fields such as earthquake and blast-resistant technologies.

With this qualification, you will have acquired the essential knowledge which underpins both this and other fields of engineering. More importantly, you will have become a civil and structural engineering technologist.

Course start dates

  • 29th July 2024
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Delivery mode:
On Campus

Average duration:
36 months


Level 6, 333 Adelaide Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000

6 Thelma Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

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This course can help you get a job as:

Job Title
Average Salary
$2,020 weekly pay
$1,730 weekly pay
$1,650 weekly pay

Please note that weekly pay figures are estimates only of what you could possibly earn.

Payment Options

More information on fees is available here.

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About this provider

EIT’s mission is to provide students throughout the world with measurable and significant productivity gains in their workplace through cutting edge and applied engineering higher education.

Their new Brisbane campus, centrally located and just a short walk from the central station, provides students with easy access to public transport. Facilities include classrooms with internet access, teaching labs, student support, breakout areas, a first aid room, and a library.

Brisbane, dubbed the 'sunny capital' of Australia, offers a blend of modernity and natural beauty with its stunning skyline and river. Ranked among the top 30 best student cities globally, it attracts students who enjoy its cosmopolitan atmosphere, warm climate, and outdoor lifestyle.

Operating since: 2008
Legal name: Engineering Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
RTO code: 51971

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