

  1. Occupational Health Nurse
  2. Occupational Hygienist
  3. Occupational Psychologist
  4. Occupational Therapy Assistant
  5. Ocean Engineer
  6. Oceanographer
  7. Office Assistant
  8. Office Manager
  9. Oil and Gas Engineer
  10. Oncology Nurse
  11. Oncology Pharmacist
  12. Operating Theatre Technician
  13. Operational Risk Manager
  14. Operations Analyst
  15. Operations Coordinator
  16. Operations Manager
  17. Operations Research Analyst
  18. Operations Specialist
  19. Ophthalmic Technician
  20. Optical Dispenser
  21. Optometrist
  22. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
  23. Oral Health Therapist
  24. Organic Farmer
  25. Organisational Development Consultant
  26. Organisational Development Manager
  27. Organisational Psychologist
  28. Orthodontist
  29. Orthoptist
  30. Outdoor Activity Instructor
  31. Outdoor Adventure Guide
  32. Outdoor Recreation Leader
  33. Outdoor Recreation Officer
  34. Outreach Worker
  35. Outside School Hours Care Coordinator
  36. Packaging Designer
  37. Paediatric Audiologist
  38. Paediatric Dentist
  39. Paediatric Nurse
  40. Paediatric Occupational Therapist
  41. Paediatric Speech Pathologist
  42. Paediatrician
  43. Paid Search Manager
  44. Painter
  45. Painter and Decorator
  46. Palaeontologist
  47. Palliative Care Nurse
  48. Palliative Care Social Worker
  49. Panel Beater
  50. Paper Mill Operator
  51. Paper Mill Worker
  52. Paralegal
  53. Paramedic
  54. Paraplanner
  55. Park Ranger
  56. Parliamentary Counsel
  57. Partnerships Manager
  58. Parts Interpreter
  59. Parts Manager
  60. Pastor
  61. Pastry Chef
  62. Patent Attorney
  63. Pathologist
  64. Pathology Assistant
  65. Pathology Collector
  66. Patient Care Assistant
  67. Patient Liaison Officer
  68. Patient Services Assistant
  69. Patient Transport Officer
  70. Patissier
  71. Pattern Maker
  72. Payroll Clerk
  73. Payroll Officer
  74. Pediatric Optometrist
  75. Peer Support Worker
  76. Pen Rider
  77. Penetration Tester
  78. People and Culture Manager
  79. Performance Analyst
  80. Performance Coach
  81. Performance Manager
  82. Performer
  83. Performing Arts Technician
  84. Periodontist
  85. Perioperative Nurse
  86. Personal Assistant
  87. Personal Banking Advisor
  88. Personal Carer
  89. Personal Trainer
  90. Pest Control Manager
  91. Pest Control Officer
  92. Pest Control Technician
  93. Pest Controller
  94. Pet Groomer
  95. PET Technologist
  96. Petrochemical Engineer
  97. Petroleum Engineer
  98. Pharmaceutical Engineer
  99. Pharmaceutical Production Supervisor
  100. Pharmaceutical Production Worker
  101. Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
  102. Pharmaceutical Scientist
  103. Pharmacist
  104. Pharmacologist
  105. Pharmacy Assistant
  106. Pharmacy Manager
  107. Pharmacy Sales Assistant
  108. Pharmacy Technician
  109. Philosophy Teacher
  110. Phlebotomist
  111. Photogrammetrist
  112. Photographer
  113. Photojournalist
  114. Photovoltaic Engineer
  115. PHP Developer
  116. Physical Scientist
  117. Physicist
  118. Physiotherapist
  119. Physiotherapy Assistant
  120. Pick Packer
  121. Picture Framer
  122. Piggery Attendant
  123. Pipelayer
  124. Pizza Chef
  125. Planning Consultant
  126. Planning Engineer
  127. Plant Biologist
  128. Plant Engineer
  129. Plant Manager
  130. Plant Mechanic
  131. Plant Operator
  132. Plant Pathologist
  133. Plant Physiologist
  134. Plant Scientist
  135. Plant Supervisor
  136. Plant Technician
  137. Plasterer
  138. Plastics Engineer
  139. Playwright
  140. Plumber
  141. PMO Manager
  142. Podcaster
  143. Podiatrist
  144. Police Officer
  145. Police Sergeant
  146. Policy Adviser
  147. Policy Analyst
  148. Policy Manager
  149. Policy Specialist
  150. Political Adviser
  151. Political Analyst
  152. Political Consultant
  153. Polymer Technician
  154. Pool Builder
  155. Pool Lifeguard
  156. Pool Technician
  157. Portfolio Analyst
  158. Portfolio Manager
  159. Portrait Photographer
  160. Postal Worker
  161. Potter
  162. Poultry Farm Worker
  163. Power Engineer
  164. Power Plant Operator
  165. Power Systems Engineer
  166. Power Systems Technical Officer
  167. Practice Manager
  168. Predictive Modeller
  169. Pre-Press Operator
  170. Presales Consultant
  171. Preschool Teacher
  172. Priest
  173. Primary Health Organisation Manager
  174. Printed Circuit Board Designer
  175. Printing Machinist
  176. Prison Officer
  177. Private Investigator
  178. Probation Officer
  179. Process Analyst
  180. Process Control Engineer
  181. Process Engineer
  182. Process Technician
  183. Process Worker
  184. Procurement Consultant
  185. Procurement Manager
  186. Procurement Officer
  187. Procurement Specialist
  188. Product Design Engineer
  189. Product Designer
  190. Product Development Engineer
  191. Product Development Manager
  192. Product Manager
  193. Product Marketing Manager
  194. Product Specialist
  195. Production Assistant
  196. Production Engineer
  197. Production Operator
  198. Production Supervisor (Timber Systems)
  199. Production Technician
  200. Professional Dancer
  201. Program Coordinator
  202. Program Evaluator
  203. Program Leader
  204. Program Manager
  205. Programmer
  206. Project Accountant
  207. Project Administrator
  208. Project Architect
  209. Project Coordinator
  210. Project Director
  211. Project Engineer
  212. Project Management Consultant
  213. Project Manager
  214. Project Manager (Police Force)
  215. Project Officer
  216. Project Scheduler
  217. Promotions Manager
  218. Proofreader
  219. Property Adviser
  220. Property Analyst
  221. Property Consultant
  222. Property Developer
  223. Property Development Manager
  224. Property Fund Manager
  225. Property Lawyer
  226. Property Manager
  227. Property Specialist
  228. Property Valuer
  229. Props Assistant
  230. Propulsion Engineer
  231. Prosecutor
  232. Prosthetic Technician
  233. Prosthetist
  234. Prosthodontist
  235. Psychiatric Nurse
  236. Psychiatrist
  237. Psychological Researcher
  238. Psychologist