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Art Curator Courses

Art Curators identify and recommend art pieces, artefacts, and display material for acquisition by galleries and museums. They may organise the purchase of local artworks to add to the gallery’s permanent collection, arrange exhibitions for key artists, or negotiate the loan of a signature piece (or genre collection) from another gallery. In larger galleries they may work under the supervision of a senior curator.

As an Art Curator you could be researching the suitability of proposed collection pieces, arranging for restoration work on an important artefact, planning the layout and lighting for an upcoming exhibition, delivering a public lecture at an exhibition opening event, collaborating with a group of artists in a complimentary genre, or updating the gallery database and records system.

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Popular Art Curator Courses

There is one course available for people who want to become an Art Curator.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Art Curators earn?

Salaries for Art Curators start at $70,000 per annum. Increase your earning capacity by positioning yourself as an expert in a specialist field and gaining post-graduate and research qualifications.

What are the job opportunities for Art Curators?

There are 1,100 Art Curators working in Australian galleries and museums right now. They are employed by government organisations and private galleries. Some Art Curators accept volunteer positions with community arts organisations.

How do I become a Art Curator?

To launch your career as an Art Curator you will need a Bachelor of Fine Arts or Bachelor of Art History, plus post-graduate qualifications in a specialist area such as classics and ancient history, indigenous studies, or archeology. You will also benefit from a Graduate Certificate (or Masters) of Museum and Heritage Studies.

If you’re serious about becoming an Art Curator, we recommend contacting the The Art Association of Australia and New Zealand which is the peak body for art academics and professionals including gallery curators.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within arts and culture. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.