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Potter Courses

A Potter creates art pieces using clay as their main medium. You might create pieces designed for functional use such as bowls or vases or you may produce work meant for artistic display. Potters use equipment such as a pottery wheel and a kiln and may use techniques such as glazing or decorating. You might create individual pottery pieces for display or for sale or you might develop a collection of works for an exhibition.

Potters need excellent creative skills and must have a good eye for detail. You should be talented at a range of pottery techniques and be able to produce pieces suitable for sale to buyers. You’ll need to be able to address customer needs and be in tune with market demands. If you’re working closely with buyers or other potters you’ll need to be a good communicator.

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Popular Potter Courses

There are 7 courses available for people who want to become a Potter. These are the top 5 most popular courses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Potter earn?

In Australia, a full time Potter generally earns $960 per week ($49,920 annual salary) before tax. This is a median figure for full-time employees and should be considered a guide only. As you gain more experience you can expect a potentially higher salary than people who are new to the industry.

What are the job opportunities for a Potter?

The number of people working as a Potter has stayed about the same in recent years. It is a profession with a small number of workers though and Australia currently has 520 people working in this role. Potters can find work in all areas of Australia.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights

How do I become a Potter?

If you’d like to embark on a career as a Potter you could consider enrolling in a Certificate I in Visual Arts. This qualification addresses a range of art forms and is a great way to experiment with art techniques. You could further your knowledge and skills with a Certificate IV in Visual Arts or specialise in a particular area with a course such as a Certificate II or III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts.

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within arts and craft. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.