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Radio Broadcaster Courses

Radio broadcasters present news, stories, and interviews over the radio. They play and queue music, make community announcements, interview guests, introduce music artists and live performances, and co-ordinate commercial messages.

As a radio broadcaster your time will be balanced between on-air and off-air time. When you’re not broadcasting, your time will be spent researching stories, preparing scripts and dialogue, scheduling guests, attending promotional functions, and preparing playlists. At smaller radio stations you may also have to secure advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

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Popular Radio Broadcaster Courses

There is one course available for people who want to become a Radio Broadcaster.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Radio Broadcasters earn?

While there are no clear figures for the salaries of radio broadcasters in Australia, you can expect a salary upwards of $1,888 per week ($98,176 annually).

What are the job opportunities for Radio Broadcasters?

There are approximately 2,460 radio presenters, journalists and broadcasters employed in Australia right now. However, an emerging opportunity for skilled radio broadcasters is to start your own podcast or streaming channel and make money through advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

How do I become a Radio Broadcaster?

Radio Broadcasters need excellent communication skills and must be able to articulate their ideas clearly and confidently. A knowledge of current events is also important.

Get started in this competitive career by completing the Diploma of Screen and Media and taking voice elocution lessons. You’ll also benefit from supporting qualifications in journalism and sound production.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within film, tv and production. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.