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Sports Physiotherapist Courses

Sports Physiotherapists are specialist Physiotherapists who work with athletes, sports teams, coaches, and sports management professionals. They develop physical exercises and therapy programs to help athletes recover from competition, rehabilitate from injury, and achieve peak physical performance.

As a Sports Physiotherapist you could be conducting a nerve functionality test to assess the physical capacity of a runner, designing exercises to help a tennis player restore joint functionality, manipulating an endurance swimmer’s shoulder muscles and tendons through therapeutic massage to them recover from a major event, advising a sports coach on strength exercises to incorporate into their athlete’s training, or treating a client using ultrasound and infra-red light therapies.

Successful Sports Physiotherapists have a working knowledge of the latest developments in sports science and exercise physiology and are passionate about the competitive success and physical wellbeing of their clients.

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Popular Sports Physiotherapist Courses

There are 5 courses available for people who want to become a Sports Physiotherapist.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Sports Physiotherapists earn?

The average salary for Australian Physiotherapists (including Sports Physiotherapists) is currently $1,701 per week ($88,452 annually). These are median figures that include the salaries for new graduates as well as experienced therapists.

What are the job opportunities for Sports Physiotherapists?

There are approximately 47,000 Physiotherapists working in Australia right now, some of these are Sports Physiotherapists. This is a growth occupation with good prospects for future employment.

How do I become a Sports Physiotherapist?

Launch your career as a Sports Physiotherapist with a Bachelor of Applied Health Science (Physiotherapy) followed by a Master of Clinical Physiotherapy (Sports Physiotherapy). To practice, you must obtain professional accreditation with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within physiotherapy. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.

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