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General Assembly

Data Analytics Short Course

Get the skills needed to advance your career in Data, in as little as ten weeks while you work and study. There are no prerequisites, this is a beginner-friendly program.

General Assembly’s Data Analytics Immersive is designed for you to harness Excel, SQL, and Tableau to tell compelling stories with a data driven strategy. This program was created for analysts, digital marketers, sales managers, product managers, and data novices looking to learn the essentials of data analysis.

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Delivery mode:

Average duration:
10 weeks

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This course can help you get a job as:

Job Title
Average Salary
$1,250 weekly pay
$1,400 weekly pay
$1,250 weekly pay

This course can help you progress to:

Job Title
Average Salary

Please note that weekly pay figures are estimates only of what you could possibly earn.

Payment Options

Full Tuition
Total cost of course: $4,500.

Payment Plans
General Assembly has partnered with EdAid to offer students flexible payment plans.

Choose from several options, for example:

  • 24-months 0% interest with a $250 AUD deposit.
  • Or divide your tuition into 2 or 3 installments.
Talk to the GA Admissions Advisor to find a plan that matches your needs.

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About this provider

Since 2011, we’ve helped 100K+ alumni worldwide launch tech careers through our award-winning tech bootcamps, and hundreds of top companies build diverse, scalable tech talent pipelines. As part of the Adecco Group, we create a better world of work for all.

Operating since: 2011
Legal name: General Assembly

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Speak to a course advisor about the Data Analytics Short Course.

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