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General Assembly

User Experience Design Bootcamp

Get the tech skills, career advice and networking opportunities needed to start a career in UX Design, in three months.

As a UX Design graduate you will build a portfolio of real-life projects to show your mastery of UX Design best practices. This includes learning: user research, usability testing, prototyping, product testing, product management techniques, wireframes and more.

To find a career you can love, you will work with the career services team to build a job-ready portfolio, sharpen your interview skills and network with the tech community.

Course Duration

  • Full time - 3 months at 40 hours per week
  • Part time - 8 months at 15 hours per week
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Delivery mode:

Average duration:
12 weeks

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This course can help you get a job as:

Job Title
Average Salary
$1,440 weekly pay
$1,920 weekly pay
$1,340 weekly pay
$1,340 weekly pay

Please note that weekly pay figures are estimates only of what you could possibly earn.

Payment Options

Full Tuition
Total cost of course: $13,500.

Payment Plans
General Assembly has partnered with EdAid to offer students flexible payment plans.

Choose from several options, for example:

  • Deferred Payments with $1,000 AUD up front and split the balance over 24 instalments that only start once you are earning over $55,000 AUD.
  • Or 36-months at 0% interests with a $500 AUD deposit.
Talk to the GA Admissions Advisor to find a plan that matches your needs.

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About this provider

Since 2011, we’ve helped 100K+ alumni worldwide launch tech careers through our award-winning tech bootcamps, and hundreds of top companies build diverse, scalable tech talent pipelines. As part of the Adecco Group, we create a better world of work for all.

Operating since: 2011
Legal name: General Assembly

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