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Canberra Institute Of Education And Technology

HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

This first aid course teaches the skills and knowledge needed to recognize emergencies and provide immediate and effective first aid to anyone suffering from a sudden illness or injury, in accordance with the legal, workplace, and community considerations, as well as the guidelines of the Australian Resuscitation Council and other national peak clinical bodies in Australia.

Assessing the casualty, providing safety, contacting emergency services, and using resources to provide first aid, such as CPR and the use of a defibrillator, administering an autoinjector for anaphylaxis, administering asthma medication, assisting someone who is choking, using appropriate immobilization techniques for envenomation, fractures, dislocations, sprains and strains, and managing casualties with non-life-threatening bleeding and shock. The importance of the survival chain, written and verbal reporting of event information, reviewing occurrences to enhance personal abilities and response times, recognizing psychological effects, and seeking help as required will be discussed during the study period.

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Delivery mode:
On Campus

Average duration:
1 day


GF 15 Barry Drive, Turner, ACT, 2612

Level 3, 341 Queen St, Melbourne, VIC, 3000

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This course can help you get a job as:

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Average Salary
Not available

This course can help you progress to:

Job Title
Average Salary
$1,540 weekly pay
$2,500 weekly pay
$2,310 weekly pay

Please note that weekly pay figures are estimates only of what you could possibly earn.

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About this provider

Welcome to the Canberra Institute of Education and Technology

Based in Australia’s capital city Canberra, CIET is a boutique college offering a range of courses in Advanced Diploma of Building and Construction (Management), Diploma of Information Technology Networking, Advanced Diploma of Network Security and Diploma of Hospitality Management.

Operating since: 2020
Legal name: Radix Education Pty Ltd
RTO code: 45592

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