Universities in Hobart

The beautiful city of Hobart is home to one university, the University of Tasmania.


University of Tasmania

University of Tasmania

The University of Tasmania, located in the picturesque city of Hobart, boasts a rich history spanning over 130 years. From humble beginnings in a sandstone building with just three lecturers teaching eleven students, it has grown into a leading educational institution. The university's isolated location has fostered a unique culture of creativity and problem-solving, deeply influenced by the surrounding wilderness and landscapes. From exploring the vast Southern Ocean to conducting research in the Antarctic, the University of Tasmania is passionate about preserving the planet's last untouched areas. Embracing a diverse academic community, it offers students a holistic experience, blending rigorous academics with a deep appreciation for nature and creativity. By choosing the University of Tasmania, students immerse themselves in an environment that values both academic excellence and the beauty of the natural world.

Living in Australia

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