What can you do with a Certificate III in Retail?
Written by Jodie Magrath
13th October 2020
A Certificate III in Retail will give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in a career in a retail environment. Whether you want to work in a department store, a supermarket or a specialty retailer, this qualification will help you deal with customers and sell your product or service. You might work for a large retail organisation with many stores or a small retailer with only one shopfront. Regardless of the type of retailer you’re working for, customer service is paramount and this qualification will allow you to meet your customers’ needs.
The Certificate III in Retail addresses a range of topics relevant to a retail career. You’ll cover things like engaging with the customer and helping with customer complaints. You’ll learn how to work in a team environment and build a loyal customer base. This course also covers things like selling products and services and assessing safety and security risks. You’ll learn how to manage the daily operations of a retail store and uphold the expectations of your organisation.
A retail career is a great option for people who enjoy interacting with other people. You’ll need excellent interpersonal skills and have to be able to provide great customer service. Succeeding in retail means you need to be good at sales and marketing and will need to be an excellent team player. You’ll work a variety of shifts and may have to work on weekends or public holidays. A Certificate III in Retail is an ideal course of study for the following careers:
Customer Service Representative
A Customer Service Representative deals with customers in a retail environment and acts as a personal face of the company they’re working for. They might work for a large retailer or a small business and their main goal is to sell products and services and leave a positive impression on customers and clients. Customer Service Representatives usually deal with customers in person but they may also have to speak to them on the phone or contact them via email or other online systems. Their day may be spent processing sales, handling customer enquiries or following up orders.Account Manager
An Account Manager acts as a liaison between a client and a company to ensure the needs of both parties are met. They’re part of a team working towards sales targets and they’ll have a list of clients they’re assigned to work with. An Account Manager will ensure customers are happy with their products or services and address any issues they may have. They’ll ensure orders are met on time and work with customers to secure future business.Customer Service Manager
A Customer Service Manager interacts with clients to ensure an organisation has positive customer relations. They’ll speak with customers either in person, on the phone or online to make sure they are happy with their shopping experience. They might have to deal with customer complaints, sort out disputes or organise refunds or replacement items. A Customer Service Manager may be supervising a team of other sales representatives to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction.Higher education pathways
A Certificate III in Retail is a great place to start your career in customer service in the retail industry. If you decide to expand your skill set you could also consider a Certificate IV in Retail Management. This course covers a range of topics relating to managing a retail business venture. You could also enrol in a Diploma of Retail Leadership which will help you plan for greater profitability at your business or even a Diploma of Retail Merchandise Management.
You might decide to take your career further by enrolling in a university degree. You could consider a Bachelor of Business or a Bachelor of Management which will give you the qualifications to take on a position with greater authority in an organisation. If you have a passion for a particular area you could think about enrolling in a degree specific to that industry such as the Bachelor of Fashion Merchandising. You may be able to use a Certificate III in Retail as a pathway to these courses.
Getting started
It’s important to get all the information you need before enrolling in a Certificate III in Retail. Course providers often vary in how they deliver their qualification, so start by requesting information from a range of different providers. Get information on the duration of the course, costs, any prerequisites and the content the course will cover. Once you have all these details you can compare the courses on offer and find the right course for you. The Certificate III in Retail usually takes 12 months to complete and may be offered online or on campus