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Human Resources Analyst Courses

Human Resources Analysts collect and evaluate HR and employment data. They carry out detailed analyses of the data, create visual representations, and transform the figures into actionable information.

As a Human Resources Analyst you could be collecting data from employment records, determining a way to collect meaningful data from exit interviews, auditing information collected from the payroll, analysing statistics and identifying trends in employee performance and engagement, developing an infographic to submit to senior management, or contributing to the organisation’s risk management process.

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Popular Human Resources Analyst Courses

There is one course available for people who want to become a Human Resources Analyst.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Human Resources Analysts earn?

Salaries for Human Resources Analysts working in Australia right now start at $100,000 per annum and increase according to your qualifications and professional experience. Increase your earning potential by obtaining post-graduate qualifications in HR, Information and Communications Technology, and Business Analytics.

What are the job opportunities for Human Resources Analysts?

There are no clear employment figures for Human Resources Analysts working in Australia at this time. They are employed by large corporations, non-profits, and government agencies across all industries and employment sectors. Some Human Resources Analysts are self-employed as independent consultants.

How do I become a Human Resources Analyst?

To become a Human Resources Analyst in Australia you will need a working knowledge of standard HR policies and Australian employment laws as well as hands-on skills in business analytics and problem-solving.

You can get started with a Bachelor of Business Analytics and a major in Human Resources. Other suitable qualifications include the Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) plus a Master of Business Administration (Business Analytics).

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within human resources. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.